Monday, March 10, 2008

Disneyland Hotel Brochures

Many of my favorite items in my Disneyland Hotel collection are the various brochures handed out over the years. These brochures offered snap-shots and are living time capsules into the details of the facility. I will be posting several of these in the days to come. I am also going to try to show some inside brochure pictures which will detail the growth of the Disneyland Hotel as new amenities, features and services were introduced. As Disneyland grew, so too did the Disneyland Hotel. Hope you enjoy them.


  1. This is a most fascinating and informative blog. Looking forward to all the things you will post in the future. Thank you.

  2. I'm glad you like it. I was beginning to think nobody was logging on to my blog. I was seriously wondering if it was worth the time to post new items.

  3. I always check your blog on a daily basis Don. Its fun.

  4. I check in five to six times a week to see what's new -- you're bookmarked right beside major's, matterhorns and VDT's blogs. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a lot more viewers that you think. (If I recall the old 10/20 rule-of-thumb for forums -- for every posted comment there's 10 to 20 views. Last year I read that with today's ever increasing methods of web access, it's more like 30 to 1.)

  5. P.S. I don't know if you have a way to count casual visitors, logged-into-Google visitors, or both... but FWIW when I visit your blog I'm almost never logged onto Google. I only log on to Google to post a comment.

  6. I check this blog literally every day, as I do with several others. I've never commented on any of them before, but I will from time time from now on. This is simply incredible for me, whose main interest in the park has always been its history. Loved the hotel and love this blog!

  7. Hey Don - I've been wanting to post comments, but because of the google blogger requirement, had to reset my google account which took a while. But am logging in now so that you do know that there are a number of us enjoying your blog. I loved the shop area - we used to have breakfast at Maisie's Pantry when we stayed at the Hotel :)

    And I did enjoy a very rainy Southern California night in one of the Garden Rooms one November - I loved the towers, but the garden rooms were cool.

    Whenever we got to the Hotel and got settled, I would wait to hear Mark Twain from over the berm - then I knew I was there!
