Tuesday, March 11, 2008

August 1955 Overhead

Disneyland Hotel from August 1955

Thanks to Chris Jepsen at the Orange County Archives for the two extreme overhead shots listed below. Check out Chris's blog when you get a chance http://ochistorical.blogspot.com/ He has some amazing stuff from OC's history. I just love seeing all the pictures too.

This picture was taken about three weeks after the overhead shot from July, 1955. Progress on the original five South Garden structures is evident. The first rooms would open in two months from the time of this picture. The building south of the Richfield Station would house the first ever restaurant at the Hotel and would be called the Little Gourmet. Progress is also seen on the Administration complex with forms being laid out. At this point, construction was taking place at a furious pace on the Disneyland Hotel.

My guess would be this photo was taken shortly before the Disneyland Hotel opened on October 5th, 1955. I would say mid to late August, 1955. The South Garden structures look near complete although the parking lot is not yet paved. Progress can aslo be seen on the construction of the Restauarants and Administration area. The pool is not yet done. The Richfield Station is open and has customers.

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