Thursday, September 27, 2012

1956 Opening Day Photo

Haven't posted in a while so how about a photo. This one is from opening day in August 1956. Can you name the people in this picture?


  1. I think the man on the far right is Jack Wrather,one of the owners/builders of the hotel. He was married to actress Bonita Granville.
    The woman standing next to him could be Helen Alvarez.
    I don't know who the others are.

    I'm presently residing in Texas, but I was raised in Southern California and lived there for 30 years. My parents used to live right near Disneyland.

  2. Alan Ladd, his wife Sue, Jack Wrather, Bonita Granville Wrather, not sure, Yvonne DeCarlo, and William Bendix.

  3. From l-r, Alan Ladd, Helen Alvarez, Jack & Bonita Wrather, Maizie Wrather (Jack's mother), Yvonne De Carlo, William Bendix.
