Monday, May 14, 2012

Wrather Personal Family Photos

Here is a collection of personal family photos taken either at the Disneyland Hotel or at Disneyland Park.

This first shot was used in the Wrather family's 1959 Christmas Card.

Next up were taken from the family's favorite attraction, Peter Pan.

Here is another family photo taken at the Disneyland Hotel around 1960.
Also from 1959, Bonita Granville-Wrather with son Christopher at the Disneyland Hotel.
Last one of the batch is from August 1964 and features Jack Wrather again with son Christopher.
Interesting fact about this picture.....the "Hotel Disneyland" lettering featured at the top of the first tower building had been only installed at this point for under a year. When the Tower was expanded in 1966, there would be enough room to fit the word Disneyland to the left of the looking glass elevator.


  1. These are really cool. Jack Wrather seemed like a fascinating person. Very cool to see these pictures. Has anyone written a book about Jack?

  2. So wonderful of you too to s these amazing glimpses into the life of such a dear character actress who grew into a lovely person who gave back in her adult life. It appears she was truly happy.
