Thursday, May 5, 2011

Disneyland Hotel 1954-1959: The Little Motel in the Middle of the Orange Grove

My old book is completely sold out. The good news is, my new book is just about finished. In the early planning phases, Jack Wrather would often refer to his hotel project as his "little motel in the middle of the orange grove", hence the title of the new book. If I do say so myself, this new book is absolutely amazing! I am using over 350 photographs, all from the 50's, many not seen by the general public in over 50 years. These are as rare as rare gets. At least 200 of these are from my recent find at a storage vault in Hollywood. The book is artistically designed by Sparks yourself a favor and check out their services at
Here are some not final draft sample pages from the new book. Release date will be some time in July/August.


  1. Thanks Dave. All I did was write it and Sparks Arts did their magic to it.
