Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Overheads From The 60's

Overhead shots of the Disneyland area are certainly some of my favorite pictures to see. It's always fun to date pictures by what is present (or what is not) in the photographs. Certain features can be identified in these pictures which immediately tell you from what year the photo was taken. Today, I am posting some shots from the 60's which feature various areas around Disneyland Park. Hope you enjoy them.

Anaheim Convention Center is going up. What year is it?

Wilbur Clark's is just finished and Disneyland is in the upper right.

Is that Melodyland in the lower right?

Look at those open fields around Disneyland and the Disneyland Hotel!

Here is a great shot of the Disneyland Hotel and all its amenities. The heliport, golf facilities and the first Tower Building can be seen. Can you guess the year?

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  1. Fantastic aerial shots! That square office building on the far right of that second shot is still standing today. A couple years ago, it was completely gutted including the removal of all it's windows, but then it was rebuilt from the inside out.

    I'm guessing 1965 for that last pic....only because their is no Small World or Primeval World buildings yet and because it looks like excavation is taking place for New Orleans Square and Pirates.

  2. Oh, and is the year 1966 for the Convention Center construction shot?

  3. I believe you are right on 1966. I have exact dates somewhere and I will dig them up.

  4. Wasn't Wilbur Clark's hote the one that ended up being called the Grand Hotel before it was torn down? It's not there anymore not is it?
