Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Thousand Thanks to Major Pepperidge

Tonight I would like to pay tribute to a fellow blogger David/Major Pepperidge from the wonderful blog site

David single-handedly updated this blog to make it 1,000 times easier for readers to download the contents and look at the posts. He spent almost an entire weekend (probably even longer) working to correct the mistakes I had made in the creation of this blog. You should all notice how much easier it is to access the posts. I just cannot thank him enough for the wonderful work he did for me. It was a total unselfish thing to do and really show the kindness of the Disney bloggers. His blog is a must see and has some amazing pictures and information. I am just blown away at all he did for me.

Thank you David.


  1. Congratulations on the great new look for your site, Don, and a ginormous bunch o' thumbs up to David for making it happen! Great job, Major! :D

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  3. Well done and in the 'Disney' spirt. Congrats to all.

  4. This will also make it much easier to post more often which hopefully, benefits all who are interested in this subject.

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  6. The more typical Blog format is definitely easier to follow, and it's nice to be able to open up larger versions of the pictures.

    Thanks Major!!!

  7. Love your new blog layout, Don. Definitely easier to navigate!
