Friday, August 20, 2010

Good Bye Waterfalls

The demolition of the Disneyland Hotel waterfalls in front of the Bonita Tower (I refuse to call it by any other name) is taking place as I write this post. I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of the actual construction of the falls from the late 70's. What makes some of these photos even more special is the photographer- Bonita Granville-Wrather herself! Hope you enjoy these pictures as soon, they are all we will have left of the falls that lasted over thirty-years at the Disneyland Hotel.

The falls at the Disneyland Hotel were part of the new Water Wonderland at the Disneyland Hotel which opened in June of 1979.

Construction shot of the falls taken by BGW

More construction

The completed falls.

 It's very sad to see them go. In spite of petitions and campaigns to keep them, Disney decided their time had come. Next week, I will post some info on what is replacing this area at the Disneyland Hotel.

Bonus black and white shot. is our website for the book on the history of the Disneyland Hotel. We are also doing a rewrite in addendum versions with much more text and tons more great pictures. Stay tuned.


  1. I'm sure that whatever is replacing these beautiful waterfalls will be cheap and uninteresting.

  2. I think this will be a tough act to follow no matter what it is.

  3. FANTASTIC construction shots of this area! I sure am going to miss it!

  4. I have been out of the loop on this, and just found out about the demise of the waterfalls this past week. It really made me sad. I was lucky enough to take my kids to Disneyland in 2006 and we stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, so I was able to share with them, that beautiful place. I remember one year as a kid, staying with my family in the Bonita tower a year or two after it opened, and having a room overlooking the falls, and my dad opened the balcony doors and we fell asleep to the sound of the falls. I will miss that. Sometimes I wonder, if it wouldn't have been better if Disney had just torn all the buildings down and started over. I know that sounds sad too, but it just seems so sad to see the towers and know that almost all that made the resort magical before, will be gone. Like the only think left of the old resort is the towers. I don't know, I know times change, but those waterfalls were such a unique and beautiful part of the resort that Disney could have used some of their imagination and re-imagined that area instead of ripping it all out.

  5. I think many people would agree with you Scott. Those waterfalls were very special.

  6. I'm 40 years old and was able to experience the falls as a child, providing me with fond memories with my family. As an adult I have found myself drawn to the falls, still looking upon them with the same glee and wonderment as a child. I truly wept when I learned of thier fate. I feel that a part of my childhood has died.
