Monday, June 21, 2010

Room Interiors of the Late 70's

Tonight I am adding some interior shots of the various rooms at the Disneyland Hotel around 1978. This was when the Bonita Tower had just opened and the Hotel now boasted over 1400 rooms which was the largest amount of rooms ever advertised at the Disneyland Hotel. This is right around the first time I ever stayed at the Disneyland Hotel and I remember it well.

In case you haven't noticed, the Disneyland Hotel is undergoing some pretty big changes these days. Soon, the only way to remember or see how it used to be will be right here on this blog or on my website Even better yet, get a copy of our book on the history of the Hotel which you can order online from the website.

I will be posting brochure deviations coming up. When you think you have two of the same brochure, watch just may have two different versions with only slight deviations and one of them might be quite rare.

This would have been a mid-priced suite in the Marina Tower.....around $200 a night.

Interior view of a Tower Suite in the late 70's. These rooms rented for between $125 - $300 and this particular suite looks like one of the larger ones.

A typical room interior in the late 70's.

A late 70's look inside a Tower Room.

Coffee Shop Interior - This is a repeat of this picture previously posted however, this has a much wider angle and shows more detail. This restauarant would become the Monorail Cafe in 1986.

1 comment:

  1. Just reading back through some older posts. The 2nd tower room shot with the red and blue walls and blue carpets looks like the Bonita Tower based on the dropped soffits above the windows and bed. I am guessing the first, more brown standard room was in the Sierra tower based on the width of the room. Pretty cool, I always was curious about what the regular rooms looked like in the 70s and early 80s..
