Thursday, April 29, 2010

1967-1969 Disneyland Hotel Brochure

One fun thing to do is, scan the Hotel brochures and edit out pictures from them. There are usually interesting pictures in most all of them with views not ordinarily seen. Today's shots feature the 1967-69 brochure which displayed an array of wonderful, color pictures in and around the Disneyland Hotel. This brochure was issued just after the Tower Annex project in 1967 and folds out to huge proportions. It's one of my favorites.

Top of the Park Lounge

Monorail Bar


Mini Golf

1 comment:

  1. Even at age 8, 10 or 13, I took a sport coat so that one night each trip we could go up to the Top of the Park. My Great Aunt and Great Grandma would have Screwdrivers or Harvey Wallbangers, while I had a "Kiddie Cocktail" (RobRoy) and we would watch the Fireworks over Disneyland.
