Saturday, March 27, 2010

More Hotels/Motels

Some additional local to Disenyland hotels and motels. Many touted their closeness to Disneyland and most were cheaper than the Disneyland Hotel.

Motel Receipt Magic Star - A 1965 receipt from the Magic Star Motel

Sandman Motel - The Sandman Motel which opened prior to Disneyland but this card is from 1957.

The Modernaire Motel - I loved the architectural style of this motel. It oozes 50's.

Magic Star Motel Soap Wrapper - Soap wrapper from the Magic Star Motel

Magic Star Motel Soap Wrapper - Soap wrapper from the Magic Star Motel


  1. I found your blog via a Google search for the Magic Star Motel. I bought two (identical) and pristine full color, large size postcards from the Magic Star Motel at an estate sale in Portland, OR. The images on the postcard shows a full panoramic view of the motel at sunset with a great neon sign lit up and palm trees bordering the property. It also features a view of the motel parking lot and a shot of their in ground swimming pool from the second story balcony. The pool photo is especially neat because you can see the parking lot and the entrance to Disneyland off in the distance--including what I believe might be a massive construction crane. I recognize the top of the Main Street Train Station and the tip of the Town Hall roof as well. I'd be happy to send you a scan if you'd like to add it to your blog!
