Sunday, February 7, 2010

Disneyland Guidebooks

The Disneyland Guidebooks all had references to the Disneyland Hotel, usually at the end of the book. They often had wonderful color shots showing the many amenities of the Hotel.

1955 Disneyland Guidebook - The very first Disneyland Guidebook with the Disneyland Hotel prominently mentioned inside. This includes the rendering done by the architectural firm of Pereira and Luckman.

1957 Disneyland Guidebook - From the fabulous 50's, the Disneyland Hotel page in the Disneyland Guidebook.

1962 Disneyland Guidebook - The first guidebook to show a Tower Building and the Monorail at the Disneyland Hotel

1968 Disneyland Guidebook - The last pages of the Disneyland Guidebooks usually contained details on the Disneyland Hotel

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