Monday, January 25, 2010

Conference Rooms Late 1960's at the Disneyland Hotel

More very rare pictures of the conference room facilities from 1968-1969 at the Disneyland Hotel. I am hoping that one or more of these bring back some memories of a conference or company meeting and that person can let us know where the room was. The picture with the pool outside of it is a real mystery to me. Sometimes I study some of the many pictures I have of the Disneyland hotel and I learn something I never knew before. I see little buildings that were added or taken away and I wonder what exactly those were. Parking lots suddenly materialize or trees disappear. The Hotel was in a constant state of change.

Late 60's Disneyland Hotel Conference Room - I can't for the life of me figure out where this room was located. It looks like a pool or water feature outside the window. It does not look like the Olympic Pool. Anyone?

Possibly the Oak Room conference facilities? Mr. Kittle, can you tell if this picture shows the Oak Room Conference room?

Conference room set-up at the Disneyland Hotel

Another configuration for conferences/meetings at the Disneyland Hotel


  1. My guess is that the conference room with the pool outside is in the Sierra Tower (which was originally surrounded by a pool), in the Yorba, or Orange room. See your plan of the Sierra Tower conference rooms posted here:

    It is likely that all of these rooms were among the original eight in this tower. Can you please enlarge the plan of this tower along with the room dimensions?

  2. Wow, I think this is FINALLY a photo of ....(yes, I've enjoyed your book and website quite a while now) .....the moat surrounding the Sierra Tower!! From a lower meeting room.
    There is almost no further evidence but my memory of a moat surrounding the first tower. One rendering shows what might be a little blue water there.

  3. Wow, I think this is FINALLY a photo of ....(yes, I've enjoyed your book and website quite a while now) .....the moat surrounding the Sierra Tower!! This view would be from a ground floor comference room, the water is just outside. Not the swimming pool further away. I was starting to think my memory was the only evidence there ever was a moat. Only other image I've seen is a rendering with a touch of blue on the corner.
