Friday, April 25, 2008

Second Book

Would anyone be interested in a second book on the history of the Disneyland Hotel? Since putting out the first book, I have received many more vintage photographs as well as stories on the Hotel's history. This second book would be softbound, would primarily be pictures, and would be priced lower. Another book would be a significant time and money investment. If there was interest in this, I would consider it. Let me know.


  1. I believe it would be a welcome addition to your first book. Which by the way I enjoy very much. The more information and pictures... the better.

  2. Yes, yes, yes! I enjoyed the first book and want more!

  3. Uh, YEAH I'm interested!

    Would love to see more photos from the 80s-90s, specifically. Especially interior shots of the shops and restaurants.

  4. A second book would be fantastic. I love anything and everything to do with Disneyland history.

  5. HELL YES!!!

    i LOVED your first one! the pics, the great history and info, incredibly well researched.

    it absolutely captured the era it represented and i put it right up there with Nickle Tour for pure vintage Disneyland enjoyment.

    the layout was also top notch so another picture heavy book would be welcomed with open arms!

  6. Absolutely, Don... a softcover (or a series of them, such as Ape Pen Publishing's Disneyland photo series) would make a fantastic supplement to the main book. I would love to do some retro spot illustrations or vignette artwork for them!

  7. I would certainly purchase a second book. I would love to see more pictures and perhaps a detailed map/schema of the hotel grounds showing the locations of the various shops and restaurants and their various name changes through the years...

    Thank you for the fascinating posts!

  8. Yes, I realize I am late to reply to this post, but I would definately be interested.
