Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This Blog: Thumbs up? Thumbs Down?

It's been a while since I posted to this blog. I have been mainly posting on Facebook. Should I post here as well?


  1. I may be in the minority, but I don’t use Facebook, so if it’s not here, I won’t see it. (I’m a happy purchaser of both books.)

  2. Like the first person who commented, I never use Facebook. I always enjoy the nostalgia of your blog posts. I was raised in Southern California and lived only two miles from Disneyland for many years. I love the memories.

  3. Stick with Facebook, so much easier for you and your followers. Those who don't or won't use Facebook will just miss out.

  4. Here please! Too easy to miss updates on Facebook.

  5. Here please! Too easy to miss updates on Facebook.

  6. Don - I didn't know you were posting on Facebook! I will take a look, but the blog is nice too!

  7. I use facebook, but content drops too fast there. Here I can always find the latest. So I vote keep the blog!

  8. Please do, I too have fallen from Facebook.

  9. Please do, I also do not use facebook and I miss this blog.

  10. Not a fan of Facebook, please keep up the blog here.

  11. Thumbs up! I will check out FB too...

  12. Please keep posting here!

    I really appreciate your efforts, including both books (When do we get more??)

    Thanks for your efforts in making the history of the Fabulous Disneyland Hotel much more well known. I would really like to see a few more books on the various eras and features; there were so many details.

