Saturday, August 4, 2012

1985 Oriental Gardens

Mid 1980's saw the Disneyland Hotel re-open 52 new themed rooms in 4 of the original structures to the Hotel. These rooms had earlier been converted to offices, storage and other uses including an arcade. The demand for rooms necessitated this change. The Christmas card featuring the addition of the new "Oriental Gardens" listed below is from a very good friend who was an executive at the resort for close to 40 years. A short time later, the Hotel would also begin a restructure of the North Garden units converting some units into two room suites with adjoining conference rooms. Next, I will post some pictures of this change in the North Gardens as well.

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Shelby said...

Just found your blog and am totally loving it. I've always wanted to stay at the Disneyland Hotel but I grew up 45 minutes away and my parents thought the whole idea was ridiculous. It's great seeing all these old pictures!

Magical Hotel said...

Thanks so much for writing and hope you enjoy the blog.


I recall the last surving orange tree on Disneyland property was located in the Oriental Gardens.
Love your books!!