Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Photo Identification

Here is what I am hoping will be a fun identification game. Can anybody spot an interesting thing contained within the picture posted below? Click on picture to enlarge.

Yes it is Walt Disney at the Disneyland Hotel!


  1. Hey, is that Uncle Walt at the center table?

  2. In addition to Walt, there are more than a few familiar faces in that crowd - though names don't come to mind easily. Wonder if the seated woman to the right (facing camera) might be Lillian...

    Others might recognize these folks more readily. Thank you for the look.

  3. Ahhh... Walt emjoying The Coral Club

  4. My family and I absolutely love Disneyland!!! We are planning a trip to do down there, but the problem is, we have 6 children under the age of 11! If we are going to do this trip, we have to make it affordable! That's why I have been searching for affordable hotels in anaheim... Hopefully we will find somewhere we can afford to stay, so we can make our children's dreams of being in the "happiest place on earth" a reality!!!
