Saturday, July 17, 2010

Disneyland Gold Passes

The Disneyland Gold Pass was issued to a select few families, business associates, investors and friends of Walt and Roy Disney. Today, I have posted some unique items from my collection detailing the receipt and gratitude Jack Wrather and family had for these Gold Passes. The last one signed by Walt was the 1966 card and by Roy was the 1971 card. Walt did find time to let it be known he wanted the Wrather family to have a 1967 pass however he was unable to sign them. I believe the letter I have posted was written by Walt Disney's secretary and it did occur after Walt's passing. With all Walt had on his mind and being very sick, he still remembered his friend and business partner Jack Wrather. To me, that shows just how special the bond was between Walt and Jack.

Please also visit my website I would be more than happy to personally sign and personalize your copy. Purchasing the book helps us to be able to document more on the history of the Disneyland Hotel and make available even more news and information on the Hotel's rich history. Buy your copy today! There are limited copies left.

1958 Letter from Walt Disney - This 1958 letter announces the issuance of the Wrather families 1959 Gold Passes to Disneyland Park. Walt issued his first pass to the Wrather family in 1956 and they receive passes to this very day.

1959 Disneyland Gold Pass - signed by Walt Disney and issued to the Wrather family.

1966 Letter from Walt Disney's Office - I believe this letter is from Walt Disney's personal secretary letting Jack and family know that Walt wanted them to have their 1967 Gold Passes to Disneyland. This was determined just prior to Walt's passing prior to Walt entering the hospital for the last time.

Letter to Roy Disney 1969 - Jack would write to Roy Disney expressing thanks for the Gold Card to Disneyland. He would also state just how much his family enjoyed these gifts.

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