Thursday, November 26, 2009

First Addendum is Finished!

The first addendum to the book Disneyland Hotel: The Early Years 1954-1988 is finished and at the printer. Please check the website for details on release date. It came out even better than I thought. The addendums will essentially be a complete rewrite of the book. These will contain new (old) photos, text and details not contained within the original book as well as the original photos we did have in the book. This will fill in many of the gaps we had while writing the book and will enable the enlargement of many of the pictures we had to reduce due to size constraints and time limitations, not to mention the new photos included we have since received. Each addendum will cover select sections of the book and go into much further detail on events and happenings. I am very happy with how this first edition came out. A limited number of copies will be available very soon. Again, please check the website for further details.


  1. Sounds great! Looking forward to getting a copy upon release.

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  3. So is the "addendum" really a revised, updated edition of the entire book?

  4. The addendums will be updates to the book with the new information, new photos and new artwork. Since the book came out, we have received tons more information that filled in many gaps. The first addendum took the section of concept to just before opening day which took up about ten pages of the original book and is now about 40 pages in length with new text, brochures and photos. If I were to compile them all when the addendums are finished, the book will probably be over 400 pages in length. It will really go in-depth. The new pictures are amazing!

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