Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Photos on the Blog

Just wanted to add some new photos tonight at the request of Walterworld. I've said many times, if I know people like these, I will continue to post. Tanks WW for posting comments and requesting more posts. It's nice to feel wanted!!! :)


  1. We love the Disneyland Hotel posts. Keep 'em coming.

  2. Thanks for the new pictures! Rest assured that your posts are enjoyed and appreciated...

    I remember watching the Dancing Waters show from our Marina Tower balcony. While my older brothers were in the park at night, I would usually be back at the room with my parents (room service---YUM).

    Q: Where exactly was the Crown & Pillow Pub? And do you know if the Sailmakers Den was in the same location as the current Wine Cellar?

    Take care---

  3. Great pictures, bringing back very fond memories. Couple of questions I thought I'd ask figuring you may know. Didn't Jack Wrather own the Inn at the Park? I believe it is a Sheraton now. I can't find a lot of information on that. I thought I heard that in the early '70s they were talking about extending the monorail to that hotel as well. Do you know if this is true? When I went to Disneyland in the '80s as a college student visiting with friends I stayed at the Inn at the Park. Couldn't quite afford the Disneyland Hotel, but always hung out there. Also, one other thing I thought i'd read was that there were some luxury suites in the main building of the hotel. From what I read they overlooked the pool. Do you know anything about those, or have any pictures. Keep the good work with your sites. The Disneyland Hotel truly was a magical place.
