Friday, April 4, 2008


I am going to start posting some old brochures inside and out. Like I said before, I like to see the insides of the brochures and not just the covers. It gives the viewer more details and a feel for what was going on at the Disneyland Hotel at that point in time.

If you like this blog, be sure and vote for it at

If you enjoy the history of the Disneyland Hotel, please check out my book: I have a limited amount available and will not be doing a second printing.


  1. Great post as always Don. I love the DLH brochures!

    One request -- would it be possible to post images that can be clicked on to view a higher res version (similar to major's and matterhorn's sites)? Currently much of the text in the brochures, newspaper clippings, etc., is too small to be readable. A link-to-larger-size would help with photos and aerial shots, too. Many thanks for all your efforts! :)

  2. At first I didn't realize this was the same blog as the book author.

    Excellent. I bought the book last year and this makes an excellent addition to the collection of Disney Blogs available.

  3. Hrundi,

    Looks like we have a lot in common. Have you seen the Atomic Ranch magazines? BTW-I proposed to my wife at Disneyland on New Years in front of the Castle. Just me and 80,000 of my closest friends. Drop me an email when you can. My email is posted on my blog.

  4. Don - thanks for the great pictures of the interior of the hotel - early days.

    I read over on Al Lutz's column tha they are thinking of taking down the Towers! Shudder...

  5. Great shots of the Marina!

    What year did the Atari Adventure open? I know it took the place of the temporary arcade located in a couple of ex-Garden rooms that dated from 1981-1982. This was during the height of the video game arcade craze of which I was a happy participant.

    I always loved the Marina and enjoyed being out on the water in a pedal boat with my brother.

    One of my main regrets since the passing of the old hotel was that I never swam in the Olypmic size pool for some reason...choosing instead to swim at the cove pools throughout my visits in the 70's and early 80's.

    Thanks again for sharing your great collection of pictures. I already have your book and would love to see a sequel...

    Take care!

  6. According to the article dated Jan/Feb 1983, Atari Adventure opened around December, 1982. It's very tough finding any information on this Hotel feature for some reason.

    I would love to put out another book just on the pictures and information received after putting out the first book. It's a significant investment in both time and funds. Would anybody else be interested in a second book? If I saw definite interest, maybe I would do it.

  7. Start writing it, Don -- consider my copy pre-ordered!!
