Monday, March 3, 2008

New photos

I am uploading several photographs received from Molly Wrather Dolle, the eldest daughter of Jack Wrather. Molly and Jack Jr (deceased) were the children of Jack and his first wife Molly O'Daniel who herself was the daughter of former Texas Governor, W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel. Jack Wrather was of course, the original owner of the Disneyland Hotel along with Helen Alvarez and Jack's mother Mazie. Hope you like these pictures. Jack would later (1947) marry actress Bonita Granville which would produce two more children Linda and Christopher. Chris wrote the introduction to my book on the history of the Disneyland Hotel.


  1. Donald,

    I just go two copies of your book yesterday! I am so excited to start reading it.

  2. Where did you get them? Thanks for the purchase and I really hope you like the book.

  3. I too have your book and am glad to see that you're supplementing it with the blog.

    Very much looking forward to seeing more and getting to know the old place better.

    Thanks for taking the time to do this!

    Chris Walter
